Hi, there! I’m Jane, and I’m the mother of one with over a decade of experience in childhood development and education and am endlessly passionate about providing positive, holistic development opportunities for children. Now that I’m a mom, my passion has expanded to helping moms have a positive pregnancy, birth experience, and motherhood journey while supporting their beautiful children.

When I began my first pregnancy, I watched my friends and family around me grapple with the different stages of parenthood. The pressure and stress of housing new baby gear, following the written and unwritten “rules” of being a good mom or dad (not to mention surviving under the social and personal pressures of parenthood), and managing all the new challenges that come along with a new baby didn't jive with my mindset and attitude of minimalism and tranquility. I didn't want to be battling these kind of stresses throughout my pregnancy and postpartum period. I vowed that I’d work towards a stress free pregnancy and transition into motherhood. I knew that calling upon my minimalist philosophy, remembering Montessori principals I grew up with, maintaining a positive and calm mindset, and being in tune with nature and my body were the answers to helping me be a stress free mommy. I eagerly embarked on a journey of exploration into positive pregnancies, birth, postpartum growth, and early childhood development. I consumed as many resources as I could and then felt a drive to share my learning with others.

Parenthood in the modern age is filled with so much joy and also a great deal of stress. While there’s no way to entirely remove all challenges that parents and care givers face, I hope that sharing my tips, tricks, and learning with you can help you be as stress free as possible. Let’s enjoy parenthood together!

Jane Trilli

Founder & Mom


StressFreeMommy helps moms to be stress free through minimalist, natural, and mindful approaches to pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

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